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Embracing the circular economy: our partnership with New ERA and the mission towards sustainable packaging in Europe


Exciting news!


Today, we proudly announce our membership with New ERA, a vanguard European association advocating a revolutionary vision for reusable and reuse systems in Europe and worldwide.


Joining New ERA is an emblem of our commitment to a larger joint mission:


Joining the Reuse Revolution

Our commitment to establishing efficient systems across Europe, ensuring packaging is used and continually reused, stimulated by meaningful incentives.


Transitioning to Circularity

More than being eco-friendly, shifting to reusable packaging is necessary. We aim to drastically reduce packaging waste, resource extraction, energy consumption, and emissions. It's about evolving from a 'Use and Discard' mindset to a 'Use and Reuse' behaviour.


Infrastructure for Reusability

We're on a mission to develop a model that supports easy return and reuse of packaging, making reuse easy and seamless as well as effective for companies and consumers.


Unity in Action

This movement can only prosper with collaboration. Our alliance with brands, consumers, organisations, and policymakers will develop a robust European reuse strategy.


Economic and Green Growth

The shift to reuse isn't just about sustainability; it promises economic expansion, innovation, reduced reliance, and bolstered business resilience. We want to be an active part of the circular economy. 


Innovating in Circularity

as members of New ERA, our vision involves groundbreaking advancements in reusable packaging. With ongoing R&D, we aim for higher efficiency, durability, and user satisfaction.


Empowering Consumers

At its heart, this journey is also for each of us as consumers. We're dedicated to highlighting the many benefits of reusable packaging, leading a collective move towards more informed and sustainable choices.


In unity, we find strength and boost our collective mission: to support reuse and prepare a legacy: a Europe where packaging means sustainability, convenience, and collective consciousness. 


#NewEra #CircularEconomy #ReuseRevolution #SustainableFuture